Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Warming Porridge

Sometimes when it's cold outside, we like to have foods that are warming and comforting. Our whole family enjoyed this the last two days. It's a combination of a couple different recipes.

Sliced bananas, soaked wild rice, almond or brazil nut milk. Sprinkle on some cinnamon, bee pollen and drizzle a little raw honey. Sooooothing....

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Seed Cheese Sammy

We're always looking for ways to make a filling sandwich without the bread. This is the seed cheese sandwich from Rawvolution. The collard leaves are spread with a sunflower seed cheese and filled with whatever goodies we have on hand. This day we used avocado, tomato, sprouts, kalamata olives, dulse leaves, scallions, basil and cilantro. It was really filling and warming on a cold day.